sábado, 1 de febrero de 2020


"Los libros son armas poderosas,no sólo contra la ignorancia.Lo son también contra el insomnio, la soledad,el exceso de recuerdos ,los días demasiado largos y las noches excesivamente cortas."

2 comentarios:

  1. Visto así son una medicina para todo..¡Y bendita medicina!
    Un abrazo, Manuela.

  2. As stated by Stanford Medical, It's in fact the one and ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh 19 kilos less than us.

    (And realistically, it is not related to genetics or some secret-exercise and EVERYTHING around "HOW" they are eating.)

    P.S, I said "HOW", and not "what"...

    TAP on this link to uncover if this brief test can help you release your real weight loss possibility
